After Novossibirsk (Russia, 2013), Montpellier (France, 2015) et Souzdal (Russia, 2017), the 10th Russian-French Workshop on Nanosciences and Nanotechnology is held in Clermont-Ferrand in June 12-14, 2019.
Under the supervision of researchers from Universities and the CNRS in France, and Russian Institutions such as ITMO University, the RFWNN workshops bring together invited speakers from both countries.
The conference is held at the IAE, Institute of Business Administration - UCA Clermont-Ferrand.
Scientific topics of RFWNN 2019:
1. Semiconductor and hybrid nanostructures and nanowires.
2. Carbon nanotubes, graphene and related materials.
3. Optics / Photonics / Nanophotonics - Lasers.
Program available in the left tab
On Thursday, June 13, afternoon, the speakers will visit the ICCF Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand and Institut Pascal, joint research units of UCA, CNRS and SIGMA Clermont.
The visits will be followed by an excursion on the UNESCO site of Puy de Dôme.
RFWNN 2019 is funded by Université Clermont Auvergne, the CNRS, the PIA 2 program LabEx IMobS3 (Challenge 2) and program WOW! of CAP 20-25, I-Site Clermont-Ferrand, the Région AURA, Clermont Auvergne Métropole and the national program ACCES of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.